For Authors

Information For Authors

Title of Paper
First Author1,2, Next Author1 & Last Author2
1Author Address
2Author Address
Email: Email Address

Abstract. Use 10 pt Times Roman font for body of the text with one spacing between lines, and 12 pt spacing for the next heading. Left and right indent 0.5cm. Maximum length 200 words.
Keywords: use 10 pt; lower case; italic; Times; write alphabetically in 3-10 words.

The section title use 12 pt, bold, Times, title case with 6 pt spacing to the body text. Use 11 pt Times for body of the text with one spacing between lines, 12 pt spacing between paragraph and 18 pt spacing for the next heading. To set the style, simply use this template and follow the instructions on section 2.

Style and Formatting
This template already set the style and formatting for the paper, so you can use those styles by typing the style name on the style box. HVS A-4.


At the end of the article, please list all references in alphabetical order (based on authors’ last names) at the end of the article. For this section, use the level-one heading, “References.”
Follow the citation procedures of the American Psychological Association (APA).

Do not number in-text citations. Provide the last name(s) of the author(s) and the date of publication in parentheses. If the author’s name appears within the sentence, then provide only the date of publication in parentheses.
Shafwan (2003) studied the mycorrhiza
In a recent study of the mycorrhiza (Shafwan, 2003)




IDR 100.000 per tittle

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